Restricted Territory list

The jurisdictions included in the following list of Restricted Territories have significant strategic deficiencies in their regimes to counter money laundering, terrorist financing, and financing of proliferation, while others prohibit the offering of online casino or sports betting. The list is not exhaustive, it has to be read in conjunction with the contractual definition of Restricted Territories and it may change from time to time due to any change of regulations and/or enforcement action or commercial interest.

List of Restricted Territories:

Afghanistan    French Guiana    Pakistan   
Albania French Polynesia    Palau   
American Samoa    French Southern Territories (the)    Palestinian Territory, Occupied   
Andorra    Gabon    Panama   
Angola    Gambia (the)    Paraguay   
Anguilla    Ghana    Peru   
Antarctica    Greece    Philippines   
Antigua and Barbuda    Greenland    Poland   
Australia    Guadeloupe    Portugal   
Austria    Guam    Puerto Rico   
Azerbaijan    Guinea    Réunion   
Bahamas    Guinea-Bissau    Romania   
Bahrain    Guyana    Russian Federation   
Bangladesh    Haiti    Rwanda   
Barbados    Heard Island and McDonald Islands    Saint Barthélemy   
Belarus    Holy See    Saint Martin (French part)   
Belgium    Hong Kong    Saint Pierre and Miquelon   
Belize    Hungary    Samoa   
Benin    Iran, Islamic Republic of    Saudi Arabia   
Bhutan    Iraq    Senegal   
Bolivia, Plurinational State Of    Israel    Serbia   
Bosnia and Herzegovina    Italy    Sierra Leone   
Botswana    Jamaica    Singapore   
Bouvet Island    Jordan    Slovakia   
Brunei Darussalam    Kazakhstan    Slovenia   
Bulgaria    Kenya    Somalia   
Burkina Faso    Korea, Democratic People's Republic Of    South Africa   
Burundi    Korea, Republic Of    South Sudan   
Cambodia    Kosovo    Sri Lanka   
Cameroon    Kyrgyzstan    Sudan   
Cape Verde    Lao People's Democratic Republic    Suriname   
Cayman Islands    Latvia    Swaziland   
Central African Republic    Lebanon    Syrian Arab Republic   
Chad    Liberia    Taiwan, Province Of China   
China    Libya    Tajikistan   
Christmas Island    Lithuania    Tanzania, United Republic of   
Cocos (Keeling) Islands (the)    Macao    Timor-Leste   
Colombia    Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic Of    Togo   
Comoros    Madagascar    Tonga   
Congo    Mali    Trinidad and Tobago   
Congo (Democratic Republic of the)    Marshall Islands (the)    Tunisia   
Cook Islands    Martinique    Turkey   
Costa Rica    Mauritania    Turkmenistan   
Côte D'Ivoire    Mayotte    Turks and Caicos Islands (the)   
Croatia    Moldova, Republic Of    Uganda   
Cuba    Mongolia    Ukraine   
Cyprus    Montenegro    United Arab Emirates   
Czech Republic    Morocco    United States   
Denmark    Mozambique    United States Minor Outlying Islands (the)   
Djibouti    Myanmar    Uzbekistan   
Dominica    Nepal    Vanuatu   
Ecuador    Netherlands    Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic Of   
El Salvador    New Caledonia    Viet Nam   
Equatorial Guinea    Nicaragua    Virgin Islands, British   
Eritrea    Niger    Virgin Islands, U.S.   
Estonia    Nigeria    Wallis and Futuna   
Ethiopia    Norfolk Island    Western Sahara   
Faroe Islands (the)    Northern Mariana Islands (the)    Yemen   
Fiji    Pakistan    Zimbabwe   
France    Oman   

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