Data Retention Schedule

Schedule 1 – Record Retention Schedule Guideline Retention Periods

The retention periods below are guidelines based on the type of record. This Data Retention Matrix should be read in conjunction with the Group’s Data Retention and Destruction Policy, which explains how this matrix should be used in order to assist the Group to comply with its data retention obligations under data protection laws. The retention periods should be aligned to/with the respective periods listed in the various data set inventories (also referred to as “Records of Processing Activities”).

The following is an excerpt of our internal Data Retention and Destruction Policy

Section A

Players Data Retention Periods - iGaming: 

Data Category


Legal Ground


Start of the Period

Where are these stored?

Data Owner

Transaction Data

Tax & Accounting

Legal Obligation

  • 10 years
  • 7 years for NL
  • 7 years for ON

Last Transaction

Sensei, backoffice, Sisense, hive, redshift, s3, mysql(bdp- staging)


Account Registration Data (Including SVJ & RGIAJ calls, player or staff decisions impacting player accounts or payment methods)


Legal Obligation

  • 5 years
  • 10 years for ES
  • 7 years for ON

NB: If includes tax relevant data, then 10 years for DE

After closure of account or the time of reporting of unusual transaction

Sensei, backoffice, Sisense, hive, redshift, s3, mysql(bdp- staging)


Identification & verification data (KYC, AML) (Other documentation and information obtained from trustworthy independent sources)


Legal Obligation

  • 5 years
  • 10 years for ES
  • 7 years for ON

NB: If includes tax relevant data, then 10 years for DE.

After closure of account or the time of reporting of unusual transaction

Sensei, backoffice, Jumio, hive, redshift, s3, mysql(bdp- staging), Sisense


Notes on player’s account


Legal Obligation

  • 5 years
  • 10 years for ES
  • 6 years for DE
  • 7 years for ON

After closure of account or the time of reporting of unusual transaction

Sensei, backoffice, mysql(bdp- staging)


Gaming history


Player Protection Directive

Legal Obligation

  • 5 years
  • 10 years for ES
  • 10 years beginning with the expiry of each year → A rolling 10 years period for DE
  • 7 years for ON

After closure of account

Sensei, backoffice, Sisense, hive, redshift, s3, mysql(bdp- staging)



To comply with contractual obligation

Contractual Obligation

  • 5 years
  • 10 years for ES and DE

NB: For ON - do not generally need to be retained except to the extent they pertain to the listed categories of information that must be retained in Section 20.2 of iGO’s AML Operational Guidance.

After closure of account

Confluence, Sugarsync

Legal and Casino Operations

Business correspondence & Player interaction


Legal Obligation

  • 5 years
  • 10 years for ES
  • 6 years for DE

NB: For ON - do not generally need to be retained except to the extent they pertain to the listed categories of information that must be retained in Section 20.2 of iGO’s AML Operational Guidance.

After closure of account

Intercom, Google Mailboxes


Self- Exclusion data (Defined period) (including NSE & SE)

Protection against gambling addiction

Legal obligation

  • 6 months
  • 6 years for ES and DE

From expiry of self- exclusion period

Sensei, backoffice, hive, redshift, s3, Sisense


Self- Exclusion data (Indefinite period) (including NSE & SE)

Protection against gambling addiction

Legal obligation

  • Indefinite
  • 6 years after the expiry of the self- or third party exclusion for DE


Sensei, backoffice, hive, redshift, s3, Sisense


Data regarding responsible gaming


Legal obligation

  • 2 years from last interaction or 5 years
  • 10 years for ES
  • 5 or 6 years for DE, depending on whether only KYC/CDD data is concerned or also business letters to be stored according to the German Commercial Code and the German Tax Act
  • 5 years for Sweden
  • 5 years for UK
  • 3 years for NL

From the moment of termination

Sensei, backoffice, hive, redshift, s3, Sisense



Other Data Retention Periods:

Data Category


Legal Ground


Start of the Period

Where are these stored?

Data Owner

CCTV footage

Office Security

Legal Obligation

  • 7 days

From the data of the footage

Internal IT

Internal IT

Information, including logs, related to compliance with the law, the AGCO Standards and Requirements and/or adherence with control activities

Licensing in Ontario

Legal Obligation

  • 3 years

Immediate at creation of record


Compliance & Legal


Financial Records Retention Periods:

Data Category


Legal Ground


Start of the Period

Where are these stored?

Data Owner

Tax and National Insurance Records

Financial record keeping

Legal obligation

  • 20 years, after which they are to be destroyed
  • 6 years for ES
  • 10 years for DE

Immediate at creation of record

Bamboohr and Dakar

HR & Payroll

Supplier and Consultants personal data (Name, Surname and IBAN number)

Financial record keeping

Legal obligation

  • 2.5 years, after which they are to be destroyed
  • 6 years for ES and DE

After termination of contract

Financial systems: SUN, ERP -



Payroll Calculation

Financial record keeping

Legal obligation

  • 10 years in order to fulfil obligations under the Companies Act
  • 4 years for ES

Immediate at creation of record

Dakar, Google Drive, Emails

Finance & Payroll

Procurement Records (includes supplier IBAN, supplier address, supplier details, supplier invoices, supplier agreements)

Financial record keeping

Legal obligation

  • 10 years, after which they are to be destroyed
  • 5 years for GIB
  • 6 years for ES
  • 6 years for DE

Immediate at creation of record

Soft copies are saved on V: and hard copies are stored in cabinets in our office

 Agreements on Confluence

Finance & Legal

Accounting Records

Financial record keeping

Legal obligation

  • 10 years, after which they are to be destroyed
  • 5 years for GIB
  • 6 years for ES

Immediate at creation of record

Soft copies are saved on V: and hard copies are stored in cabinets in our office


Inventory Records

Financial record keeping

Legal obligation

  • 10 years, after which they are to be destroyed
  • 5 years for GIB

Immediate at creation of record

We don't store this


Yearly Financial Statements

Financial record keeping

Legal obligation

  • 10 years, after which they are to be destroyed
  • 5 years for GIB
  • 6 years for ES

Immediate at creation of record

Soft copies are saved on V: and hard copies are stored in cabinets in our office.



HR Data Retention Periods:

Data Item

Duration (as per below except for ES as it should be 4 years)


Where are these stored?


Name & Surname (including preferred name)

  • Permanent
  • Regularly 6 years in DE, however no longer than 10 years

Cap. 594 requires every employer to provide to Jobsplus a list of employees who were in his employ at any given time as required by the Corporation.

No time limit specified by law.

S.L. 452.83 states it shall be the duty of the employer to furnish the Director for Employment and Industrial Relations (DIER) with any information which the Director may request.

No time limit specified by law.

BambooHR, Engagedly

Employee Experience

Residential Address

  • Permanent;
  • Regularly 6 years in DE, however no longer than 10 years

Cap. 594 requires every employer to provide to Jobsplus a list of employees who were in his employ at any given time as required by the Corporation.

No time limit specified by law.

S.L. 452.83 states it shall be the duty of the employer to furnish the Director for Employment and Industrial Relations (DIER) with any information which the Director may request.

No time limit specified by law.


Employee Experience

Email addresses (personal + work)

  • 12 months after termination or resignation

Business Legitimate Interest

BambooHR, Engagedly

Employee Experience

Telephone (personal mobile + work mobile)


  • 12 months after termination or resignation

Business Legitimate Interest


Employee Experience


  • Permanent
  • Regularly 6 years in DE, however no longer than 10 years

Cap. 594 requires every employer to provide to Jobsplus a list of employees who were in his employ at any given time as required by the Corporation.

No time limit specified by law.

S.L. 452.83 states it shall be the duty of the employer to furnish the Director for Employment and Industrial Relations (DIER) with any information which the Director may request.

No time limit specified by law.


Employee Experience

Nationality/ Citizenship

  • 6 years after termination

Cap. 594 provides that offences under the Act are barred by prescription of six years.

Since employing someone without a permit is an offence under the Act, proof of nationality (lack of need of permit) required for six years.


Employee Experience

Bank Account Details

  • 12 months after termination or resignation

Business Legitimate Interest


Employee Experience

National Insurance and Social Security Number

  • 16 years from termination or resignation
  • Regularly 6 years in DE, however no longer than 10 years

CIR has eight years to raise assessment, and eight further years to claim payment.


Employee Experience

Tax Number

  • 16 years from termination or resignation

CIR has eight years to raise assessment, and eight further years to claim payment.


Employee Experience

Health (accident & incident reports; maternity risk assessments; workstation assessments)

  • 6 years after termination or resignation
  • For DE between 12 months and maximum 5 years, depending on the duration of the sickness – see comment 

NB: If there are employees in DE, this should be regularly 6 years, however no longer than 10 years after the termination or resignation of the employees in DE

Cap 424 contains a prescriptive period of six years for health and safety offences.


Employee Experience

Images/ Employee Photos + photo/video consent

  • 12 months after termination or resignation

Business Legitimate Interest


Employee Experience

ID Card Number (do not retain a scan of front and back in the documents)

  • Permanent
  • Regularly 6 years in DE, however no longer than 10 years

Cap. 594 requires every employer to provide to Jobsplus a list of employees who were in his employ at any given time as required by the Corporation.

No time limit specified by law.

S.L. 452.83 states it shall be the duty of the employer to furnish the Director for Employment and Industrial Relations (DIER) with any information which the Director may request.

No time limit specified by law.


Employee Experience


  • 6 years after termination or resignation

Cap 594 provides that offences under the Act are barred by prescription of six years.

Since employing someone without a permit is an offence under the Act, proof of nationality (lack of need of permit) required for six years.


Employee Experience


  • 5 years after termination or resignation
  • Regularly 6 years in DE

Cap 16 provides that most civil suits must be filed within a maximum of five years.

It may be necessary to prove the competence of an employee to defend a civil suit, and therefore keeping this information for five years is justified.


Employee Experience

Signed Employment Contract

  • 5 years after termination or resignation
  • Regularly 6 years in DE

Cap 16 provides that most civil suits must be filed within a maximum of five years.

It may be necessary to prove the competence of an employee to defend a civil suit, and therefore keeping this information for five years is justified.


Employee Experience

CVs of employee

  • 5 years after termination or resignation

Cap 16 provides that most civil suits must be filed within a maximum of five years. 

It may be necessary to prove the competence of an employee to defend a civil suit, and therefore keeping this information for five years is justified.


Employee Experience

CVs of persons who were not employed (including any other applicant data)

  • 6 months after non-selection

Claim can be brought by prospective employee until 4 months after being informed of non- selection.

CVs to be discarded after 6 months unless consent to hold further is available.


Employee Experience

Reference details (Name, Surname, title, contact number, and email address)

  • 5 years after termination

Cap 16 provides that most civil suits must be filed within a maximum of five years. 

It may be necessary to prove the competence of an employee to defend a civil suit, and therefore keeping this information for five years is justified.


Employee Experience

Annual Appraisals

  • 5 years after termination or resignation

Cap 16 provides that most civil suits must be filed within a maximum of five years. 

It may be necessary to prove the competence of an employee to defend a civil suit, and therefore keeping this information for five years is justified.

BambooHR, Engagedly

Employee Experience

Employee Status

  • 16 years from termination or resignation
  • 6 years in DE

CIR has eight years to raise assessment, and eight further years to claim payment.


Employee Experience

Work Permit

  • 6 years after termination or resignation
  • 5 years in DE

Cap. 594 provides that offences under the Act are barred by prescription of six years.

Since employing someone without a permit is an offence under the Act, work permit to be retained for six years.


Employee Experience

Injury on Duty Reports

  • 6 years from injury
  • Maximum 5 years for DE depending on the seriousness and consequences of the injury (length of the sickness absence)

Cap 424 contains a prescriptive period of six years for health and safety offences.


Employee Experience

Written Warnings

  • 5 years after termination or resignation

Cap 16 provides that most civil suits must be filed within a maximum of five years.

It may be necessary to prove the competence of an employee to defend a civil suit, and therefore keeping this information for five years is justified.


Employee Experience

Sick Leave Certificates

  • 2 years from sick leave
  • For DE depending on the duration of the sickness-leave between 12 months and max. 5 years. If the injury led to a sickness-absence of less than 6 weeks, then a deletion should take place after 12 months. A longer period is only permissible, if the injury led to a sickness-absence for more than 6 weeks.

Business Legitimate Interest

Until the age of 75, after which they are to be destroyed - based on work- related long-term illness.


Employee Experience

Vacation Leave Cards/Data

  • 4 years
  • 3 years for DE

After which they are to be destroyed


Employee Experience

T-shirt/hoodie size

  • 1 month from termination of employment



Employee Experience

Job Plus Employment and termination documents

  • 5 years after termination of employment
  •  6 years for DE



Employee Experience

FS3 financial statements and FS4 tax documents

  • 16 years from termination/ resignation
  • No longer than 10 years for DE

8+8 years from termination or resignation as CIR has eight years to raise assessment, and eight further years to claim payment.


Employee Experience

Compensation (Effective date, pay rate, pay type, pay schedule)

  • 5 years in HR system
  • 10 years in payroll system
  • For DE 10 years in both systems.

Such records (in the HR system) should be kept for a period of 5 years in line with the prescriptive periods allowed under civil law in Malta.

On the other hand, similar detailed data within the payroll system should be kept for a period of 10 years in order to fulfil obligations under the Companies Act.


Employee Experience

Allowances (Date, allowance type, amount, comment)

  • 5 years in HR system
  • 10 years in payroll system
  • 6 years for DE

Such records (in the HR system) should be kept for a period of 5 years in line with the prescriptive periods allowed under civil law in Malta.

On the other hand, similar detailed data within the payroll system should be kept for a period of 10 years in order to fulfil obligations under the Companies Act.


Employee Experience

Emergency contacts (name, relationship, phone, email, address)

  • 1 month from termination of employment



Employee Experience

Time off balance

  • 2.5 years after termination of employment
  • 3 years for DE

Time taken for vacation, sick, study etc, then this data (in detail, dates, days etc) could be retained for a period of 2.5 years after termination of employment.

However, the Company may then aggregate the data to retain as statistics (without being able to refer back to the individual) which may be kept indefinitely.


Employee Experience

Last Payslip or FS3 from previous employment

  • To be deleted after n+2 years

Payslips are required to calculate the tax for the first payment.



Employee Experience

Police conduct (To be retained only for selected employees)

  • Do not store this data except for legal, directors and key function holders until expired for due diligence purposes

To retain only for legal, directors and key function holders until expired in order to respond to DD requests.


Employee Experience

Version: 1.5
Last updated: 27/11/24

Gambling Commission

Recro Limited is licensed and regulated in Great Britain by the Gambling Commission under account number 61549. Our aim is to create a safer environment for our players, ensuring their well-being as well as a more responsible gaming conduct within the industry. Recro Limited is a company incorporated under the Laws of Malta with company registration no. C77858, and having its registered address at 'The Unicorn Centre, Triq il-Uqija, Swieqi, SWQ 2335, Malta'. Find out more about the UKGC on Contact us on Gambling can be addictive. Please play responsibly. If you need support in relation to your gambling habits you find more information at Read more about Play Okay.
